About facebook messages crashing my e-mail. hope this is the right place

ok, now I really need to ask the public if there is a solution.
I know that others experience the same “malfunction” – so it can’t be my PC or system.
When ever I receive a mail from Facebook and click on it my e-mail shuts down. Always
Meanwhile I look to have mails that I want to delete on top and beneath an FB message, ‘shift’-click and delete all 3 to NOT touch FB.
But that’s not always possible.

Any advice, any ideas?
I already ‘unfriended’ people not to get messages anymore.
This is going on since 6 months or longer now…
Annoying is a friendly word for what it is.

asked over 12 years ago

8 Answers

Yeah, Gladys and Germaine, I heard from others too –
that their e-mail programs are crashing.
I turned e-mail off, but they are still coming.

There must be another solution…

answered over 12 years ago

Reputation: 869
See BlueBoy's booth

Johanna, I found [URL removed] [URL removed] and I also found [URL removed] [URL removed]

I have no idea if either will help you fix the problem, that I’m sure is just so frustrating!

answered over 12 years ago

Wow, see, there are a LOT of people that experience the same issue.
Now, it seems correcting it looks like a TASK…. wow, if I can get this together? Don’t know.
Thank you, Dee!!! You found it!!

answered over 12 years ago

Ahoy, I did change my PW, did not solve the problem.
But thank you!!

answered over 12 years ago

Go to FB click account settings click notifications and change you FB email options. Not sure why it would crash your email though???

answered over 12 years ago

I tried to turn off the emails and had no luck, however they have never crashed my program. I could not find the setting to turn them off and they don’t really have any support because it’s a free program. So they still come.

[URL removed] I also found that you can’t easily change your email address with them either. Most frustrating since it’s a program we don’t really need and it should NOT be a nuisance to us, but….

answered over 12 years ago

I see you found a workaround.

Interesting…. I have all my facebook mail go to spam, so I have no virtual clickable links. Solves everything. You get a preview of the message and if you want to respond or reply, you log in, very simple.

answered over 12 years ago

If your using web mail change your pass word and you may need to change your pass word in FB also. This should fix your problem.

answered over 12 years ago

Reputation: 12
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Viewed: 5799 times

Asked: over 12 years ago

Latest response: over 12 years ago

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