Fused or dichroic glass maintenance requirements....

I have several fused glass vases, decorative accessories and panals.

Should fused glass be cleaned with commercial cleaning products or plain water?

What about smaller dichroic pieces?

Spring cleaning now in process requires your help please?

asked about 14 years ago

Reputation: 8354
See MONTROSE's booth
5 Answers

The link that the seller inc mentions [URL removed] is primarily information regarding to cleaning glass before placing it in the kiln to fuse. In all the years that I have been making stained glass and fused glass items, I’ve heard of many ways others clean glass. The following suggestions will work on both stained glass, fused glass and dichroic glass.

My recommendation for lightly soiled glass is just a luke warm soapy water. This is the main procedure for cleaning stained glass items after the patina is applied and fused glass prior to firing. Mild soap and water will not harm your glass. I use Dawn dish washing to help cut any grease build up from glass. Use a clean cloth free of any food or dirt to prevent scratches during the washing. Also do a thorough drying of the glass after washing to avoid hard water spots on the glass.

For more stubborn dirty glass I use Glass Plus cleaner with a soft cotton cloth. The less chemicals used in a cleaning agent the better for your glass.

I hope this helps you Montrose to keep your glass art items looking new and shiny.

answered about 14 years ago

You should ask Brad. He makes the stuff, he can tell you how to clean it properly.

[URL removed]

answered about 14 years ago

Reputation: 68
See Rdesigns' booth

I agree Brad would be the one to ask about cleaning your fused glass items.

answered about 14 years ago

You can watch this video to learn how to clean fused glass.
[URL removed]

You can watch this video on how to clean dichronic glass.
[URL removed]

answered about 14 years ago


answered about 14 years ago

Reputation: 8354
See MONTROSE's booth
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Viewed: 6124 times

Asked: about 14 years ago

Latest response: about 14 years ago

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