What is the difference between vintage & antique ?

What is the difference between Vintage & Antique ?

asked about 14 years ago

15 Answers

About 300 bucks*

Antiques are usually always 100 years plus old! Vintage, I thunk was about 20 to 25—like a full generation back—old ppl want to relive their past—and all of a sudden certain stuff from that era goes way up in price! The humans are a fickle bunch, eh? I think cars become antiques after 25 years…can anyone back me up on that?

*Henny Youngman, 1952
“The Sands”, [URL removed] 112

answered about 14 years ago

Depends on who you ask. Here are just a few definitions of Antique and Vintage. Hope it’s not too much.

[URL removed] a work of art, piece of furniture, or decorative object made at an earlier period, and according to many customs laws, at least 100 years ago. [URL removed] an-teak.
Also Known [URL removed] items older than 50 years old although the definition is quite subjective in today’s antiques market.

[URL removed]

Main [URL removed] 1an·tique
[URL removed] \(ˌ)an-ˈtēk\
[URL removed] noun
[URL removed] 1530
1 : a relic or object of ancient times
2 a : a work of art, piece of furniture, or decorative object made at an earlier period and according to various customs laws at least 100 years ago b : a manufactured product (as an automobile) from an earlier period.

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The definition of antique varies from source to source, product to product, and year to year. However, some time-tested definitions of antique deserve consideration, such as the [URL removed]

“An item which is at least 50 to 100 years old and is collected or desirable due to rarity, condition, utility, or some other unique feature. Motor vehicles, power tools and other items subject to vigorous use in contrast, may be considered antiques in the U.S. if older than 25 years, and some electronic gadgets of more recent vintage may be considered antiques.”[citation needed]
“Any piece of furniture or decorative object or the like produced in a former period and valuable because of its beauty or rarity.”[citation needed]

[URL removed]


Main [URL removed] 2vintage
[URL removed] adjective
[URL removed] 1601
1 of wine : of, relating to, or produced in a particular vintage
2 : of old, recognized, and enduring interest, importance, or quality : classic
3 a : dating from the past : old b : outmoded, old-fashioned
4 : of the best and most characteristic —used with a proper noun

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of or produced in a particular [URL removed] said of wine
of a good period, choice, representative of the best, etc. vintage Hemingway
representative of or dating from a period long past vintage clothes

[URL removed]

Of or relating to a vintage.
Characterized by excellence, maturity, and enduring appeal; classic.
Old or outmoded.

Of the [URL removed] played songs that were vintage Cole Porter.
Of the most [URL removed] “Fatalism has coexisted with vintage American overconfidence” (Thomas Oliphant).
[Middle English, from Anglo-Norman, alteration (influenced by viniter, vintner) of Old French vendange, from Latin vīndēmia : vīnum, grapes + dēmere, to take off (dē, de- + emere, to obtain).]

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answered about 14 years ago

Vintage is considered 20-30 years or older on most selling sites. An antique must be 100 years old in my opinion, but some consider 50 years or more antique.

answered about 14 years ago

Yes, 20-30 years or older is vintage and by most sellers standards antiques are 100 years or older. In most countries other than the United States to be antique items must be 200 years or older.

answered about 14 years ago

Reputation: 774
See froggieb's booth

The use of the word vintage is way over done. Something can be a vintage 1999 year item. People in to days world think of vintage as anything older but not antique, That is not always right. The correct way to look at the vintage word is to associate it with a year, such as a a vintage 2000 wine. The word vintage does not rely a whole message. I try to use the word sparingly by its self. It is one of those words that makes my teeth grind.

answered about 14 years ago

I use RETRO rather then Vintage. I have seen vintage applied to products made today that are in the style of something older.

I have several RETRO shirts but I know of brand new made in China Vintage shirt products….

answered about 14 years ago

Thanks for asking lowvision. I was wondering about that also :)

answered about 14 years ago

yes ravenstalin oh wise one, you are correctomundo LOL

answered about 14 years ago

cute, real cute….about $300 ……but true

answered about 14 years ago

Vintage is very old!
Antique is sometimes worth something! LOL

answered about 14 years ago

Cars are not antique until 45 years and at 25 years they are considered “classic” This is the definition used by the Antique Automobile Club of America.

answered about 14 years ago

Vintage is something ABOUT as old as you are that you CAN afford but don’t really want.

Antique is something OLDER than your parents that you CAN’T afford but would like to have. :)

Anyone need a vintage Tin Foil Hat?

answered about 14 years ago

Nice to know, I was told by an antiques dealer that 50 yrs = antique. I thought that sounded a bit odd. thanks for the clarification.

answered about 14 years ago

Great information Thank You.
Is that Vintage Tin Foil Hat the heavy duty strength? LOL

answered about 14 years ago

I agree that an antique is something more than 100 years old. I also think the term vintage can be anything that is not currently considered “modern”. That could be anywhere from 10-99 years old IMHO. Vintage items bring back memories of times past and everyone has a different idea of what times are most meaningful.

answered about 14 years ago

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Asked: about 14 years ago

Latest response: about 14 years ago

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