Does anyone know where i can get wiring mesh for a paper mache project?

Our child needs to make a school project with paper mache molding but needs the bendable wire mesh to shape the item first before applying the paper mache to it. He wants to make a double sided fish.

The wiring mesh is formed in the shape of a fish, then covered with paper mache molding, then painted. A craft store told us to find the wiring or mesh first. I don’t know exactly where to locate it, the store had none. The clerk said to purchase it on-line. I am not sure what this is exactly other than wire or mesh. Big help, huh? Does anyone know what I am referring to or have any for sale currently?

ANY amount of help is SO APPRECIATED! Thank you!

asked about 14 years ago

14 Answers

you can use plastic or wire screening for windows found at walmart or any hardware store just make the paper mache I included a recipie my mom uses for her kids below…. my mom is a second grade teacher they do it all the time for making thier own cristmas cards and paper mache projects its fun!!! Here is info on it hope it helps! Its window screening your looking for and yes they have a safer plastic mesh version now that you could stitch together into the shape he wants with some string almost like a mini sewing project cut the edges off and whalla a 3D fishy shape! =) here are the links!

[URL removed]
here is some screen
[URL removed]

hope this helps you out post a pic of your little ones art after I am exited to see how his fishy turned out!!!

answered about 14 years ago < online, offers the lowest priced wiring for these kinder to elementary projects [URL removed] universal wiring

answered about 14 years ago

Reputation: 8354
See MONTROSE's booth

We have used chicken wire. Purchased at hardware or garden center.

answered about 14 years ago

Chicken wire or poultry wire from the hardware store will be your best bet. Lowe’s or Home Depot may carry it as well. It will really stand up to the weight of the wet paper mache.

Use common wire cutters and cut your shape. Wear gloves and long sleeves; the wire ends will scratch you. Bend the ends over once you have cut it.

answered about 14 years ago

hello friend we used old screens for our projects before it is real flexable and may be cheapers then the mesh and it can be purchased at any hardware store ♥

answered about 14 years ago

If a child is working on this, you should use a balloon. Wire could be dangerous. Once the paper mache dries, just pop the balloon.

answered about 14 years ago

I agree that a Hardware Store should be able to help out as they usually have such a variety of wire supplies. Depending on how ‘big’ the project is – you could possibly ‘scrunch up’ some ‘chicken wire’ ?? Have fun :)

answered about 14 years ago

I believe Michael’ also have it I used some for my son proyect in his High school and I found it at Michael’s

answered about 14 years ago

Hers a link to paper mache wire.

[URL removed]

answered about 14 years ago

Reputation: 46
See polzar's booth

WOW! You all have been EXTREMELY helpful.

I really appreciate the added links some of you have added for us to look into, so very helpful and directly to the item…awesome! MANY THANKS!

I will have to get a picture to show all of you when he is done with it. He is entering the 3rd grade art fair contest and is so excited about it. He is not so much looking to win per say; he is just hoping to have alot of fun with it (and so is mom).

Thanks again to all of you. God Bless!!

answered about 14 years ago

I used the balloons, tweed and glue for a class project in the 4th grade….everyone LOVED it!!! It was one of those last minute decisions….I told my mom the night before I needed the stuff…at like 9:00 haha. We were able to find everything needed at Krogers. =) Thanks Mom!!!

answered about 14 years ago

I also have seen and bought it at Michaels and Hobby Lobby, Both shops have it! Smiles, Cyndi

answered about 14 years ago

I love making paper mache, too. In my free time from work at [URL removed] I go to buy all the items to create something beautiful and unique from paper. Making different figures from a paper I calm down and relieve stress, and then I can concentrate on my work and help students write different articles.
Not far from my house there is a great store where they sell everything you need to create figures, you can write me and I will write you the address.

answered almost 3 years ago

Reputation: 12

Friends! Many students and schoolchildren have problems writing written works and I thought they needed help! I recommend everyone to go to the site [URL removed] and order written work on it. I am sure that you will like it and you will become regular customers!

answered almost 3 years ago

Reputation: 40
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Viewed: 5964 times

Asked: about 14 years ago

Latest response: almost 3 years ago

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