How do those who offer collectible fast food toys know their value?

I have several boxes of McDonald’s toys, most in plastic.

I’m wondering how those selling them here find out what price to sell them for?



asked almost 14 years ago

Reputation: 10
19 Answers

Hi, check out this site! Hope it helps you :)

[URL removed]

answered almost 14 years ago

1 Comment

Micheal_Shawn_Mendis says: June 16, 2019

[URL removed] is the website to take survey on Fast food restaurant chain PandaExpress Feedback to warn free rewards.

Through research using the internet or google as an option. Good luck

answered almost 14 years ago

Reputation: 8354
See MONTROSE's booth

Check other selling places like ebay. That will tell you about some of them.

answered almost 14 years ago

Reputation: 12
See anna46's booth

Checking out the link posted by loristhisandthat. Under ways to sell your collection, it lists I guess you’re in the right place :)

answered almost 14 years ago

Looks like I may be coming to this rather late. You have many good responses. I’ve sold some of these items from time to time. I typically google what it is I have available and it’s amazing how many sites I can find. Loristhisandthat has given you a great place to start.

answered almost 14 years ago

I group them by their movie and sell them as a set. Sometimes I sell them as cake toppers. They do sell well whether or not they are open. There are buyers for everything.

answered almost 14 years ago

I would just check multiple selling venues and google shopping. I always try to price any of my items as the lowest via google shopping, including shipping (sometimes that takes a bit of extra research). Buyers can sort by lowest. I also try to price close to what other sellers here have – so it’s a constant balancing act (less than elsewhere, not much less than other Bonanzlers…). It really depends on how many of the item is out there.

answered almost 14 years ago

There are some serious collectors of McDonald’s happy meal toys. Just like the old Cracker Jacks toys.

Do a Google Shopping search on your individual items.

Good luck!

answered almost 14 years ago

I do sell these. Overall, there isn’t much money to be made on them. I do check Google shopping and sometimes on eBay for pricing.

When I come to one that has way too many already listed online, I put it aside. The market is saturated for that item and its not worth the time listing it.

I usually list the ones that have only a few competitors already selling them. And in those cases, I try price mine attractively.

The ones I don’t list because there are too many of them online, I donate to Goodwill.

answered almost 14 years ago

Check out He specializes in collectible toys. Used to have lots of the fast food toys. I don’t know if he still does but he’s very knowledgeable.

answered almost 14 years ago

I have sold a few throughout the years. Otherwise, I put them all in a box – they make great Halloween trick-or-treat giveaways. Some I donate to daycares or churches.

answered almost 14 years ago

I didn’t know they had a value….for years, I gave them away to Doctors and Veterinarians offices to keep children occupied. We rarely even eat fast food anymore, and no more happy meals. Kids are too big now.

answered almost 14 years ago

Yeah like most of the other folk—I’d check other online sites [feebay, of course being one…] and do a google shopping search to arrive in the ballpark for a price…then start on the high side—wait a while and reduce the price a little bit at a time-then, raise the price back up again to where you began—I’ve done that and I got more buys when the stuff was priced up. Go figure! So, a word to the bonz people—always bargain with me…I’ll save you guys some $$$

answered almost 14 years ago

I purchased a Fast Food Guide Price List Book. They have all of the major fast foods listed.

answered almost 14 years ago

I research my products in various places (first e-bay), amazon, then the around 10 places on the web.

Sometimes I go to a friend that is a Antique Dealer

It all depends on the merchandise.

Sometimes I will post a pic a an Auction House to see what they think it’s worth. All you have to do is e-mail a reputable Auction House in your area.

I ask certain people on Bonz who deal in the same merchandise.

Hope this helps some.

answered almost 14 years ago

There are books on every collectible the first place to start is buy looking up kids meal toy value and happy meal toy values as kids meal is Burger king and happy meal is McDonald’s….. also many cereal toys as well ……. hope this helps

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There is a club called Mcdonald’s Collectors Club founded by Ken and Jenny Brady of Cleveland. The McDonald’s Collectors Club is an organization that has about 350 members and holds annual conventions to sell and swap toys.

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answered almost 14 years ago

[URL removed] is the website to take survey on Fast food restaurant chain PandaExpress Feedback to warn free rewards.

answered almost 5 years ago

Reputation: 12

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answered almost 4 years ago

Reputation: 14

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answered over 3 years ago

Reputation: 12
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Viewed: 11163 times

Asked: almost 14 years ago

Latest response: over 3 years ago

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