What are the basic steps to setting up a blog?

How can I get a blog going?
I’d know WHAT to write. But I don’t know where and how I start?
Blogs are said to be helpful for Bonanzle.

whew, thank you all for your advice!
I will get on it. Hope it will be entertaining for ya’ll

OK, I’ve signed up for WordPress, but that’s too time consuming complicated. Will try blogger.com now

PS… this is my [URL removed]
[URL removed]

asked almost 14 years ago

14 Answers

Hi Beauty!

I have 2 blogs one which features fellow Bonanzlers and helpful business articles (blogger.com) and one that features everything to do with my Eco-Chic Boutique and all organic and natural beauty tips, recipes and news about my new booth. (wordpress)

Many folks prefer the blogger site as it is easier/more user friendly
and more plug-ins and widgets. [URL removed]

Others prefer WordPress as it offers a cleaner format and more professional looking blog. [URL removed]

Here are my blogs in case you want to get some ideas of the differences in each blog site.

THE Eco-Chic Boutique
[URL removed]

[URL removed]

I have been blogging in some way shape or form for years now. I’m always here to help – let me know what/if you need any help.

All The Best To You!!!

Patti (Yeshuazgirl)

answered almost 14 years ago

Blogger is one place to start. Sqidoo, myspace has a blog section too. Writing about things that relate to your products and linking them to the site. It brings traffic. Good Luck!!

[URL removed]

answered almost 14 years ago

Yeah Johanna… let me know when you figure it out… I started one on wordpress but never seem to keep up with it. I kow I’m missing the boat too.

You’ll be great at it cuz you are always writing, creating and promoting like with your great banners, avatars and videos.. I can’t wait to read it… hurry up!

answered almost 14 years ago

Blogging is really easy .. the basics [URL removed]
1.PICK A TOPIC- stick to something you are passionate about and the words shall come to you.
2.CHOOSE A SITE – There are several sites to post a blog, the two most popular are Wordpress and Blogger. Blogger is the easier of the two.
3.SELECT AN APPROPERATE LAYOUT – Let the layout be a reflection of you and more importantly, the overall subject of the blog. Don’t use a background for kids if you are writing about business.
4.K.I.S.S. – Keep It Simple Stupid – Try not to ramble. Get to the point.
5.WRITE ONLY WHEN YOU HAVE SOMETHING TO SAY- Many people think you need to write Daily. If your are using your blog as a daily journal – yes. But if not, don’t feel like you HAVE to post everyday.
6.READ IT – Yes people, read and re-read you post. Is it good? Did you cover the topic well? Did you spell everything correctly? Would YOU read it if it wasn’t yours?
7.JUST DO IT – Just Do It! ( What part of THAT don’t you understand?)

There are some “don’ts” as well … you can find them on my blog [URL removed]

[URL removed]

The Blog designs are available on the bolg host such as Blogger and Wordpress. There are also several sites that offer them as well.

Good luck , and feel free to rattle the eagles nest if you need any more tips!


answered almost 14 years ago

Thank you all -

I’ve set up [URL removed] [URL removed]
Follow me…?? !!

oh, this is EuropeanGoodies too ;)

answered almost 14 years ago

[URL removed]

answered almost 14 years ago

yes, it works easy on blogger.com
I started…

[URL removed]

answered almost 14 years ago

Blogger is also a nice place to place your google ads for some revenue!

answered almost 14 years ago

@[URL removed] your brother’s video is cool, thanks for sharing and thanks for those providing info on this topic

answered almost 14 years ago

Reputation: 8354
See MONTROSE's booth

I use Blogger mostly for all the blogs I have done….you can take a look at mine and if you look at my blogger profile it shows a list of blog I have made they all are different in style…..the Minima template is the easiest I think to make changes to the HMTL…..
It is really pretty easy to get one going…if you need any help I would be more then willing to help you too….
[URL removed]

there is lots of template designs on the net…most of the time I add my own background design…here is one link to get you started…
[URL removed]
there is so much you can do with the basic template like adding a 3rd column to your blog and changing everything around and adding extra areas to different spots of your blog….

answered almost 14 years ago

WHere do u guys get your different blog designs?


Thanks for the info.

answered almost 14 years ago

I have many blogs on blogspot.com…couldnt be easier..If I can do it anyone can do it…just click here and there and start writing…good luck look forward to reading your blog…

answered almost 14 years ago

Yes, blogspot.com is definitely a good place to start blogging. Easy and free. Have fun blogging :)

answered almost 14 years ago

you might also consider Multiply.com. Free, very easy and they offer not only blogs but marketplace listings,photo albums, groups and more. There is a group there for Bonanzle buyers/sellers and several groups for online sellers.

answered almost 14 years ago

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