Do you use singular and plural forms in subjects, descriptions, etc?

It struck me that singular and plural are crucially important on B.
I didn’t now this, usually online I see info that it doesn’t matter, so I was really frustrated, when I saw this in the booth’s search results (especially that these particular words don’t have irregular plural form):

Showing 0 products for “autumn landscapes”,
Showing 32 products for “autumn landscape”

Showing 4 products for “birds”
Showing 52 products for “bird”

So, all this time, if some Buyer writes in my booth’s search box ‘landscapes’ instead of ‘landscape’, She/He gets ZERO [URL removed]

asked almost 9 years ago


Policequilts says: August 22, 2015

This has been an issue for years and has been brought to Bonz Boyz before.

Policequilts says: August 22, 2015

When I use to sell here, I would place in my listings singular and plural form.

ArtistsUnion says: August 22, 2015

Yes, you are right. It’s just such a pity we are not informed a priori about all this [URL removed]

EmbellishMart says: August 22, 2015

@Policequilts How would you use singular and plural? Like landscape(s) or something else? Or would you just write the 2 words into different places in the description?

misskeech says: August 23, 2015

That’s crazy. Have to wonder if that has anything to do with the lack of sales here

1 Answer

WOW, yeah. This should be corrected. Stat.
Have a great weekend everyone!

answered almost 9 years ago

Reputation: 869
See BlueBoy's booth


ArtistsUnion says: August 22, 2015

Definitely, both forms should appear in the search results!

cshort0319 says: August 22, 2015

How difficult would it be for a competent computer geek to program the fix, I wonder…..

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Asked: almost 9 years ago

Latest response: almost 9 years ago

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