If you are still wondering about offering free shipping this article might be helpful.

Have been gradually editing my listing to free shipping, still wondering if it’s the right choice. Found this article which I found helpful. One thing that I really like about Bonanza is the, “free shipping” banner on each listing thumbnail in the search results.(Tried to add this to an old thread but is didn’t more the discussion up. Am not sure how this new forum works.)
[URL removed]

asked over 9 years ago


RabbitsBookHutch says: October 18, 2014

Very interesting and helpful article! Thank you for posting it!

ZiggyZool says: October 18, 2014

thanks for that some very interesting points

tomwayne1 says: October 21, 2014

Here’s the link if you want to vote on my suggestion to offer free shipping for sales over $[URL removed] [URL removed]

4 Answers

I’m going to submit the “free shipping over $XX” idea as a suggestion so that sellers can vote on it.

answered over 9 years ago

Reputation: 8637
See tomwayne1's booth


RabbitsBookHutch says: October 18, 2014

Yeah, Tom!! Thank you very much, it’s an exciting prospect!! Could you post the voting link, please, so it’s easily accessible?

misskeech says: October 19, 2014

Yes, I would vote for it also! Please post the link when you get it.

RabbitsBookHutch says: October 19, 2014

Awesome, misskeech! I checked the Feedback (suggestion) page, and it looks like Tom hasn’t had time to post as yet. [URL removed]

tomwayne1 says: October 19, 2014

Actually, I did make the suggestion on last night. However, all suggestions must be approved by the moderator before they can be seen and voted on. They will eventually read it and make a decision on whether to allow votes on my suggestion. If they approve it, I will then post the link for everyone.

RabbitsBookHutch says: October 19, 2014

Wow, Tom, you are terrific! Thank you so much for the update, and I’ll keep my fingers crossed. :-)

tomwayne1 says: October 21, 2014

Here’s the link if you want to vote on my [URL removed] [URL removed]

Is there a way to set up a shipping discount here on Bonanza that’s similar to Amazon’s setup?

That [URL removed] FREE Shipping on orders over $35.00.

I clicked around the Options areas and couldn’t find anything like that.

Thank you!

answered over 9 years ago


SegundaVez says: October 18, 2014

I was trying to do free shipping with 3 items or more and when I contacted support they said neither what you want or what I want is available. That was early in the year, hopefully they have or will add it.

RabbitsBookHutch says: October 18, 2014

I too hope Bonanza would offer that option. I’m sure Amazon has explored/studied the shipping topic extensively and has apparently concluded the FREE Shipping on orders over $35.00 is the most effective strategy for encouraging more sales.

tomwayne1 says: October 21, 2014

Here’s the link if you want to vote on my [URL removed] [URL removed]

I’d love to do Free Shipping With Conditions. By having regular old free shipping, you usually sell only one item. The buyer has no reason to keep looking.

For me, Free shipping when a buyer buys more items is better than when they reach a dollar amount. If you have it at a certain amount, expensive items will be free shipping all by themselves. Whereas, when buyers buy more items you have more wiggle room with the shipping costs you had factored into your items.

answered over 9 years ago

1 Comment

tomwayne1 says: October 21, 2014

I can see this point. Something like FREE shipping if you buy “X” amount of items.

I went to the Post Office and asked about ‘free shipping’…
they laughed at me…
that which is ‘free’ has no value…

answered over 9 years ago

Reputation: 56
See ooak's booth
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