Is booth sort now set to popularity as default?

I checked into my booth to find an odd display of items and not what I was used to seeing from highest to lowest. Heck, I hadn’t realized there even WAS a popularity setting! I don’t see any mention of this in a blog and don’t know if everyone (that has a free booth) sees all booths this way.

But I am also wondering if it is supposed to be the most popular…how come the items that have the highest stats in my booth aren’t the ones on top?! Either by filtering out sold and crawler views or all stats for the last month. So very odd…

I’m not saying I don’t like it, I’m not really sure how I feel about it (and frankly I rarely get sales here anymore), I am wondering how they figure popularity. It doesn’t fit with my stats so how else would that be determined?

asked over 9 years ago

Reputation: 178
See Catnutti's booth

1 Comment

BookbinEtc says: October 03, 2014

I don’t know, but I like it! ![URL removed] I don’t have a lot of high-priced items, and am tired of seeing the same stuff at the top all the time. I’d like Newest to be the default, to highlight newly listed items, but Popularity still shows a variety.

3 Answers

It’s a nifty option and can be useful, but not geared to all searches. For example, I sell books which are grouped by author or subject with the thinking that a buyer is there for one purchase and might pick up another similar item.

Thankfully, there are options to viewing items in a booth that you can switch. A drop down menu is at the top right-hand corner so you can still view booth items by highest and lowest cost.

answered over 9 years ago

1 Comment

TheHotAttic says: October 03, 2014

I hope you sent in a report to the Boyz.

Now that I’ve noticed it (thanks for that) I think I like it but I do have one burning question How is Popularity determined? and to say Hey Thanks Guys I think it makes for a more interesting display on coming into a booth. :)

answered over 9 years ago

Reputation: 1320
See ZiggyZool's booth

Well, all I know is that I was contacted by a customer that tried searching within my booth and kept getting zero results, despite seeing that I had items with that very keyword showing on my main page. I checked the help boards, read this question and told them to try searching again but then changing the default sort to lowest price or highest price, and Voila! it worked. Perhaps someone can work on fixing that bug?

answered over 9 years ago

Reputation: 418
See autonutt's booth


Galorium says: October 03, 2014

So far, I kinda like the popularity sort while looking at other folks booths. Valuable insight for what potentially is good selling items while leaving the option of searching for specific items in the search bar.

TheHotAttic says: October 03, 2014

I also like the popularity setting in my booth. Coming into a booth and seeing everything highest price may put some people off.

Catnutti says: October 03, 2014

I know that booth search doesn’t work, but I’ve already contacted support about the shipping issues (make sure you check those shipping box options!) and nothing happened. So somebody else write them about the search in booths.

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Viewed: 1978 times

Asked: over 9 years ago

Latest response: over 9 years ago

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