Not so much a question really as a heads up on usps parcel post shipping- check your listings and select a new option!

Had a wonderful surprise yesterday. I woke up to a sale. Customer had paid instantly through PayPal! All was right with world… Until I looked at what she had paid for shipping. I thought oh my there’s no possible way that’s correct. The customer had paid $3.22 on a 1 lb 14 oz item that was not a book or media.

I keep a PDF record of what shipping options and weight I’ve entered on each item I have listed (I do this through the batch editor here on Bonanza by selecting the shipping button -then all my items are in one list that I save as a PDF file and enables me to view them at once). This saves me time when I’m printing my shipping labels, because once an item is sold there is no means to get back to the item and open it through editing to review the shipping. I double checked my PDF file and yes the sold item indeed was set up as 1 lb 14 oz when I listed it, but I had initially marked the shipping as parcel post. Now that the post office has done away with the parcel post category, my items where parcel post was the shipping means selected all reverted to the first option in the shipping menu, which for anything over 13 oz. is Media Mail.

This of course is entirely my bad because I KNOW that the shipping module goes directly through the Carriers website -in my case I only use USPS, I also knew that when no shipping type was selected it will automatically default to the first option. I knew the USPS had dropped the option for parcel post, I just plain didn’t think to go in and check and change the shipping on my listings. Trust me I have now. I ended up eating over $5 in shipping charges because of my error, not the customers fault, not Bonanza’s fault! I can only blame myself.

Maybe you all have already figured this out and fixed your listings, but just encase you didn’t think of it either I wanted to mention now’s the time to go in and double check those listings where when they were heavy and wouldn’t fit in a flat rate box, if you selected parcel post go fix them now before you too eat a chunk of a nice sale. :) ;)

asked almost 9 years ago

Reputation: 1320
See ZiggyZool's booth

1 Comment

ccmom says: July 23, 2015

it has been mentioned several times on this thread, that default is first, it nothing is selected and that parcel is only available if the package goes to zones 5-9 from the shipping location and is no longer an option in USPS web tools…

3 Answers

I never used parcel post. I always found it to be the same or more than priority. I only use flat rate or regional boxes. Even tho now, even regional are the same as the priority flat rate. can’t win.

answered almost 9 years ago

Reputation: 1958
See misskeech's booth

I had the same thing happen to me a few months ago. Bonanza doesn’t have a parcel post (or equivalent) option. I wish one would be added. Support told me I must have selected media mail. Well, the only way I selection that as an option is because, IMO, the wording of that media mail option is somewhat misleading as I believe it says parcel post media. (Just checked it, it’s Media Mail Parcel.). The word “Parcel” must have tripped me up. Sorry it happened to you, too.

answered almost 9 years ago

That explains why my shipping is off on several of my items! Thank you for this info. I will go in and check my other ones. I thought I just messed up on this one item, but I’m concerned now that my other items are set to his as well..

answered almost 9 years ago

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