Tips for new users / Question on adding bonanza hyperlinks to description?

Hope this message is appropriate here.
I have been a member since February of 2013. Initially I input my items manually using Add or Edit items option. Then I edited my items by either using Add or Edit screen or by searching in my booth for an item (I have lost that capability mysteriously lately, comes and goes unless you log out – another issue later!), then editing the item there for description, images, price, shipping changes.
… Lately after many months, I have found the Batch Editor has lots of hidden capabililty that one should learn and use it right away for efficiency. You can search for an item quickly by selecting Update filter or add a new filter, entering a search string, then apply filter. Then your single result or a group of items can be manipulated -modify the price, shipping options, traits, attributes etc for use in Bonanza or another marketplace.

If I need to edit an items description or title from a set (1 or more) of items selected in Batch editor, I use CTRL-left-click on a title to open the item in a new tab (or Shift-left-click to open a new window) and then selecting Edit item. This keeps your original selection intact for further work. I also found out recently (another feature!) I could select columns I wanted to display as well, instead of the default ones.
…To change prices for many items or change shipping options, the batch editor is the easy way to do it with.
… I tried adding text with the batch editor but I found it added text with wasted space at the end of the text. I did not have extra lines in the description. Have not figured out how to add a hyperlink in the text to link to my booth details yet. Searching help did not help. Can that be done as suggested in Help?
.. One last point on editing – It is very important after you make any changes to update your booth if you make any changes to an items description or any information. Otherwise your changes may not propagate out. Just go to Add / edit items and select update booth.
.. One more comment – Just want to say I have appreciated the quick response I qet from Bonanza support in solving some publishing issues I had recently. With patience and many efforts for a resolution, finally was successful.
Hope these comments help …… BestinField

asked over 10 years ago

2 Answers

It is unfortunate that new users do not know about the old forums where there is lots of information on “How to”..they still do exist and have not yet been purged..there is loads and loads of information there…and it is still accessible if you know the forum number links (I do by the way)…

The additional text added in batch has not always been the best of features and to use it to need the exact formatting for it to not to use that for more than one line at a time

you said “(I have lost that capability mysteriously lately, comes and goes unless you log out – another issue later!)”…this is probably because there is the option of viewing items/per page at 24 48 or 100…if you have less than 100 items and use the 100 items/view setting then you will NOT have the search in your booth…

this is true for any one if they have their booth set for a certain number of items and have less than that number…

Have not figured out how to add a hyperlink in the text to link to my booth details yet. Searching help did not help.

Get the link (copy) to your booth details
open the editor
Highlight the text you wish to link
Click on this symbol on the function line
past the URL
![URL removed]

Then paste in the link to booth details

When you have done it once, you can copy it in the listing and paste to any new listing

by the way at the end of each listing…there is a link to booth details….so you really do not have to add another…

answered over 10 years ago

Reputation: 12648
See ccmom's booth

I also want to know how can I add hyperlinks in my description and for that I am searching for the tips on this website in which I can find the information regarding this and I am glad I have found your post. By the way, does anyone over here like to play online casino games then you can visit casinosanalyzer site in which you can find More online casinos here. removed] I also visit there if you want to know about online games like Egypts Book of Mystery.

answered over 2 years ago

Reputation: 12
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Viewed: 2853 times

Asked: over 10 years ago

Latest response: over 2 years ago

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