What is the best brand of inflatable bed with frame?

I had to sell the bunk beds because my grandsons grew too big for them. I want to replace with a good quality inflatable bed with frame. Let me know if you have first hand experience – good or bad – to help me decide which one to purchase. I need a queen size bed. Thanks!

asked about 14 years ago

3 Answers

for 2 years i slept on a queen inflatable bed (same bed, lasted that long) it was one of those raised ones, about 2 feet tall and had the pump attached to the bed. i cant remember the exact name but it was from walmart and some name like ozark something, got it in the camping area. it was very comfy, i was kinda disappointed when i could finally afford a real bed!

answered about 14 years ago

Thanks mtdew, I’ll check out Walmart! Anybody else have a good or bad experience?

answered about 14 years ago

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Asked: about 14 years ago

Latest response: almost 4 years ago

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