
The Breas iSleep VALUE Disposable Ultra-fine Filters are essential accessories designed to enhance the quality of your sleep apnea therapy with the Breas iSleep CPAP. Crafted with precision, these disposable ultra-fine filters effectively capture tiny particles and airborne irritants, ensuring that you receive clean and purified air during your therapy sessions. With a focus on respiratory health and user convenience, the Breas iSleep VALUE Disposable Ultra-fine Filters provide a practical solution for optimizing your sleep apnea treatment.

Air Quality Enhancement: The disposable ultra-fine filters are designed to improve the air quality delivered by your Breas iSleep CPAP, providing you with clean and purified air for effective sleep apnea therapy.
Ultra-fine Filtration: The ultra-fine filter design effectively captures even the tiniest particles, such as dust, , and allergens, preventing them from entering your airways during therapy.