Our Canadian nightcrawlers are a premium choice for fishing enthusiasts, composting aficionados, and pet owners seeking high-quality bait or nutritious feed for their pets. Sourced from Canada's fertile soil, these nightcrawlers are known for their impressive size, vitality, and suitability for various purposes.

Key Features:

  1. Large and Healthy: Canadian nightcrawlers are prized for their substantial size, making them an excellent choice for fishing bait. Their robust and healthy nature ensures they remain lively and attractive to fish, increasing the chances of a successful catch.


  1. Rich in Nutrients: These nightcrawlers are a natural source of protein and other essential nutrients, making them a valuable dietary supplement for reptiles, birds, and other insectivorous pets. They are known to contribute to the overall health and vitality of pets due to their nutrient-rich composition.


  1. Versatile Usage: Whether used for fishing or as feed for pets, Canadian nightcrawlers are versatile. They can attract a wide range of fish species due to their natural scent and movement. Additionally, they serve as a nutritious treat for reptiles like turtles, amphibians, and birds.


  1. Fresh and Active: We ensure that our Canadian nightcrawlers are delivered to you fresh and active. Their vitality is preserved through careful packaging and expedited shipping methods, ensuring they arrive at your doorstep in optimal condition.


  1. Responsibly Harvested: Our suppliers employ ethical and sustainable harvesting methods, ensuring minimal disruption to natural ecosystems. The nightcrawlers are sourced responsibly from fertile soil regions in Canada, upholding environmental consciousness.


  1. Convenient Packaging: The packaging is designed to maintain the nightcrawlers' moisture and prevent stress during transit. It allows for easy handling and storage, ensuring convenience for anglers, pet owners, and composting enthusiasts.


Usage Instructions:

  1. Fishing: Use nightcrawlers as bait by hooking them carefully to attract fish. Their natural scent and movement in the water enhance their effectiveness in enticing various fish species.


  1. Pet Feeding: Offer nightcrawlers as a treat or supplement to your reptile or bird's diet. Monitor the quantity based on the size and species of your pet, ensuring moderation and balance in their diet.


  1. Composting: Introduce nightcrawlers to your compost bin or worm farm to aid in the breakdown of organic matter. Their efficient digestion helps convert kitchen scraps into nutrient-rich compost.

Storage Instructions: Store the nightcrawlers in a cool and dark place, preferably in a breathable container with adequate moisture to maintain their health and freshness.

Note: Canadian nightcrawlers are living organisms, and their sizes may vary. Take care to handle them gently, especially when using them as bait. Consult with a veterinarian for personalized feeding advice for your pets.