Can produce a very deep silence allowing the crown chakra to draw in those symbols of higher value and to pass them intact onto the lower bodies for their use.

   It is an excellent stone for grounding during meditation, allowing the meditation to rise to higher levels while providing for a protective environment.

   It provides for an electrical stimulus, facilitated through the subtle bodies.   One may use this stone as a venue to expand and clarify ones intuition and to check ones awareness level with respect to the actual level of one’s ongoing expressions.

   It can assist one with the intentional alignment of the subtle bodies by strengthening and unblocking the meridians of the physical body. Wearing or carrying the stone allows the person to flow within the higher fields of the Earths energy patterns, which are quite different from the psychic energy patterns we live most of our lives in.

   Apache Gold releases blocked meridians within the human energetic grid system and allows the earth's magnetic energy to flow freely through our physical form for a greater balanced life stream.

   Size: 30 x 25 x 10 mm + -
            1 3/16 x 1 x 5/16 inches + -

Chakras: All
Rays: 1st Will or Power, 5th Concrete Science
Planet: Sun
Element: Earth
Vibrates to the number: 9