Craft A Brew Oktoberfest Ale Brew Kit - Brand new

This full bodied, malty beer recipe is based on the traditional Oktoberfest style. It has a light red hue, subtle bitterness, caramel sweetness and a clean dry finish.Typically brewed in the spring, signaling the end of the traditional brewing season and stored in cold caves during the warm summer months....

This full bodied, malty beer recipe is based on the traditional Oktoberfest style. It has a light red hue, subtle bitterness, caramel sweetness and a clean dry finish.Typically brewed in the spring, signaling the end of the traditional brewing season and stored in cold caves during the warm summer months. To mimic this aging process we recommend aging the beer in your fridge (or a cave) for a few weeks before serving (after your beer is carbonated). Prost!


This beer brewing starter kit comes with all the supplies you need to be a master brewer & make a traditional Oktoberfest, including: