
BNR game! Buy and Replace

Buy and Replace game!

Make sure and check for the most current list, it should be close to the last page.
Hosted by digitaldoodlebug, co-hosted by Cherijenn. One of us will update the list after each sale.

Click to go to the game's thread

1. Buy from someone on the current list and get added to the list with a ♥! Minimum purchase of $5 (including shipping).

The booth you purchase from will loose 1♥ When you have no ♥ you will be removed from the list.

2. Return to this thread and post the booth you bought from and a link to the transaction. (you can post a picture of the item if you want)

3. You will remain on the list as long as;
(a) You have a ♥ next to your name. (in other words until you sell, each heart=1 sale)
(b) You check into this thread at least 1x per week, keeping it bumped. If not you will be removed.

4. Purchases from other games do not count.

5. You may promote items from other booths that are on the CURRENT list as much as you would like through the day. However, please do not self promote.

If you have more than one booth, they can be added on the same line.
When the thread gets too long, a new one will be started.
Once you have been removed from the list, you may buy back on at anytime!

How to post the items you bought:
1. Go to "my bonanzle”
2. On the left-hand side navigation find ‘transactions’, under that click "items bought”
3. It lists each transaction:
Items Sold Your Price
Title of item number 1 $dollar amount
Transformers the movie $dollar amount
click on any of the item titles for that transaction. In this example "transformers the movie”
4. The next page says:
This item already sold, on (date).
Click here to see the offer in which it sold.
Click where it tells you…
5. Copy the page address/url
6. Paste it into your post, like this:
Next being played: No next time scheduled.
Moderated by: digitaldoodlebug
How many times this game has been played: 0 times

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