
I Tweet You Tweet!

Anyone on Bonanza who would like to be included in this game must sign up. The Tweet Players can than tweet an item or items from anyone else's Booth from the signup sheets/List. That person will return the Tweet or tweets from the other persons booth within 5 days of less. You can tweet anyone's items on the list and expect a tweet too! Just remember to Post on the persons chatwall what you tweeted. If Everyone playing could check their chat wall at least every five days and tweet back for all that tweeted for them Hey this could cause lots of sales and build some business bonding and friends!! This is a game that never ends unless you take your name off the list. Dont forget to check the list now and then for new players!!!
Next being played: No next time scheduled.
Moderated by: thecoconutcabinet
How many times this game has been played: 0 times

0 Users Signed Up to Play On No next time scheduled.

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