INNER GODDESS spell Cast for you by 99 year old Witch

 Albina will cast her amazing FEMININE STRENGTHS spell for you!!

Albina  will cast her AMAZING "Inner Goddess" spell.  She says that this spell will allow one to tap into the power of one's inner goddess by promoting all of one's feminine strengths as well as one's most positive female attributes".  Albina says that by drawing out these qualities one can expect a great enhancement of one's instincts especially feminine intuition and sexuality.  She adds that too often many women feel as if they have become "caught up" in the role of caregiver and nuturer for others and this results in putting themselves aside.  With the assistance of this spell, Albina says that one can expect to feel an extremely strong connection with how powerful and important one is as a woman.  Then, she says one will soon truly value all of one's enhanced feminine attributes and finally begin to cherish and nuture themselves as it should be.


    Albina explains that women by nature have very sensitive and intuitive feelings that are often times down played and disregarded.  She feels that one of the most crucial qualities of this spell's power is the way that this magick "brings to light" these feelings and gives one the confidence and belief that these are real feelings that are a wonderful resource that should never be ignored.  Once one feels the magick of this spell, one will be able to embrace these natural gifts and also begin accepting the information that is provided to one as worthy.  She adds that this spell also helps one to become very connected to one's sexuality.  This will assist in helping one to view one's body, no matter what shape or size as very beautiful as well as allowing one to break out of habitual and outmoded sexual behaviors.  Albina says that by truly loving one's body and sexual nature, one can will be opening one's eyes to a whole new world of self acceptance and freedom from self imposed constraints.  As she says, " we are all goddesses if we only allow ourselves to be and sometimes it may take just a little magick to help us see this!"  Many Blessings and Thanks to Albina for all of her time and efforts!