27X COVEN RETURN FASTER SPELL EFFECTS spell Cast for you LED by 100 year old Witch


 Albina will cast her amazing spell for you!! 



This 50X COVEN CAST spell is called "FAST RETURN" it is derived from "OLDE" and long hidden, SECRET Colonial Magick.  This POTENT spell was said to "IMMEDIATELY ASSIST IN QUICKLY RETURNING WHAT IS YOURS"  Albina says that this spell originated when "Witches experienced so many  situations that they developed a STRONG Magickal spell derived from MANY Backgrounds to Quickly aid and assist IS RETURNING WHAT IS THEIRS!"

  This Amazing Magick will allow one to:

**One will be assisted with:

*"Quickly RETURN what is rightfully yours

* *THE MOST POTENT energies or actions to acquire your loan be returned, anything borrowed, your property, your ideas or credit for your work

*"Draws in the POTENT energies to banish those who take from you once all is returned

**Gain the power to take back what is yours with confidence and strength with the assistance of these energies which will enforce this for you

Albina says that this this is "Magick's great Ability to improve and assist!!"  She notes that one should either wear or carry this piece for at least 2-3 weeks in order for the energies to align with one's own!  My Blessings to the Amazing Albina for all of her time and talents!!









Please allow 2-3 weeks to align with this spell's energies ! MY most heartfelt BLESSINGS to Albina for all that she has given