Note: I guarantee my orders. If the post office loses or damages them, I am happy to send out a replacement. Please contact me prior to taking action. If you open a PayPal case, I will refund your money and no replacement will be sent. However, I will not do business with you in the future. Any orders you try to place will be canceled.

Note: I stand by my seeds. If they do not germinate despite following directions or they do not arrive in good condition, please let me know immediately. I will gladly replace your order with a fresh pack. All of my seeds are organic and non-GMO. 

Note: These seeds are very small.   You may not be able to see them well, but I painstakingly count them by hand and then add extra to ensure they are all there.  If you have trouble getting them out of the pack, pour a little water into the baggy and pour the water and seeds over the planting medium.

Blue Gentian (Gentiana Dahurica Nikita) - Gentian seeds produce a medicinal herb that is used in Chinese medicine for stomach conditions. The Gentian root is harvested in the late summer and is used to make a tonic called Xiao Qin Jiao. This herb plant is commonly called Blue Gentian, Common Gentian or Dahurian Gentian. Blue Gentian Nikita has a more sprawling nature than other Gentian herb plants. Gentiana Dahurica flowers are intense blue whorls and can be grown in containers or in the herb garden. Blue Gentian Nikita is also well-suited to rock and alpine gardens.

How To Grow Common Gentians: Gentian seeds require some patience in getting them to germinate. There are two recommended methods for starting the seed. First method, in the spring, mix the herb seeds in a moist growing medium, place in a freezer bag, then stratify by refrigeration for two months. Second method, in the fall place the Gentian seeds in starter trays with seed starter mix that has been moistened. Cover the trays with glass or plastic to help keep the moisture in. Place the trays in a cold frame outdoors or place the flat in a protected area outdoors. Gentian seedlings can be transplanted into their permanent place either in spring or fall. Gentian plants require moist, humus soil that drains well.

Season: Perennial

USDA Zones: 3 - 7

Height: 10 inches

Bloom Season: Early to mid summer

Bloom Color: Blue

Environment: Full sun in cooler summers to partial shade in warmer climates

Soil Type: Well-drained, evenly moist soils, pH 5.8 - 6.8

Deer Resistant: Yes


Planting Directions

Temperature: 34F for 2 weeks then 60F 4 - 6 weeks

Average Germ Time: 42 - 56 days

Light Required: Yes

Depth: Cover very thinly

Sowing Rate: 5 - 8 seeds per plant

Moisture: Keep seeds moist until germination

Plant Spacing: 15 inches