Large Black tigernut - Ground Almond

Latin name: Cyperus esculentus ssp. sativus

Tigernut belongs to the family of 'sour grass', therefore it looks like a grass.
It comes from the Middle East and has a long tradition as a crop.
Its sweet tubers are very healthy, as they contain many nutrients and fiber.
Tigernut prefers loose sandy soils and warm, sunny layers.
One plant can produce about 200-250 new tubers.
After drying these tubers for 2 weeks, their taste resembles its namesake's almond tree, and has a sweet to bitter aroma.
Tigernut can be cultivated not only as a crop, but also as ornamental grass.
Large Black has large tubers with thin, black skin.
This variety is particularly rich in flavours.

5+ fresh tubers