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The dragon fruit plant is a large, climbing cactus plant that grows tall, thick, succulent-like branches, and produces vivid red or yellow fruit. The fruit of a dragon fruit plant (called dragon fruit, pitahaya, pitaya, strawberry pear, or cactus fruit) is dense, juicy, and sweet—great for eating raw, chopping up to include in salads, or blending for smoothies or ice cream.Yellow dragon fruit’s taste can best be described as mild and sweet with floral notes, bearing some resemblance to kiwifruit or cactus pear. The flesh also a slight crunch that’s somewhat softer than that of watermelon.

Even though dragon fruit is in the cactus family, it’s not like the cacti you typically see in the desert—in fact, dragon fruit is a subtropical cactus originally from Central America and South America, meaning that it thrives in mild, humid environments. To successfully grow dragon fruit, you’ll need to make sure the plant stays in temperatures only between 32 and 90 degrees Fahrenheit, which is limited to USDA hardiness zones 10 and 11 (parts of southern California and Florida).

If your climate is too cold or too warm outside for dragon fruit, you can also successfully grow a dragon fruit plant inside in a pot.