Among the loveliest of Aeoniums, award-winning 'Blushing Beauty' is a branched, upright succulent with tight rosettes of glossy, light green, spoon-shaped leaves, flushed with red round the edges.

Aeonium Blushing Beauty is an attractive shrubby succulent that forms rosettes of pale green leaves tinged with red at the end of the branches. It grows up to 3 feet (90 cm) tall. The colors of the leaves intensify when the plant is moderately stressed by full sun or drought.
Aeonium 'Blushing Beauty' (Blushing Aeonium) - This beautiful succulent has tight clusters of rosettes of green leaves tinged with red on top of short thick stems to 1 to 2 feet tall - color particularly strong during the summer. Plant in full coastal sun to light shade in a well-drained soil and irrigate occasionally. It should be cold hardy to ~ 25° F. This hybrid was created by eminent southern California horticulturist Jack Catlin in 1976 by crossing Aeonium canariense with Aeonium arboreum 'Zwartkop'. Catlin noted that the plant retained the red blush of color well if given bright light and when "grown hard" (meaning somewhat stressed).