Seeds: Wheatgrass AKA Catnip Substitute or Wheat Grass.

***Multiples will be combined in a single package***

This is high quality wheatgrass seed and will ensure the highest germination rates. No need to rinse prior to planting. Perfect for growing wheatgrass for juice, or cat / dog grass as a treat for your pet. 
There are many methods for planting and juicing wheatgrass, please do some research prior to planting in order to find the best method for you.

You need to sow them in or on top of soil that is a couple inches deep so that the grass has nutrients to grow. The part that will be eaten is the green grass that sprouts up. No need to wash them before planting as they are food grade and are already cleaned. This seed is high quality and it is fresh. The blades of grass that will grow should be cut ½ to 1 inch from the base once they are a few inches tall. You can then rinse them if you wish and eat or juice them. If growing for pets just leave the grass in its pot and it will continue to grow as your pet eats it, no need to cut or wash.

Wheatgrass juice tastes great and is the perfect all natural drink. You can also sprout it in a jar and add it to salads. It makes a chewy and tasty addition to any salad. It can also be eaten straight from the plant, just cut it off and give it a rinse, it's rather sweet! It is full of fiber and pets also love wheatgrass, any indoor cat would greatly appreciate if someone grew them some wheatgrass to snack on. Dogs love it too!

Wheatgrass is jam-packed with many different vitamins and minerals, one ounce of wheatgrass juice is only 3 calories! Next time you go exercise, you should try drinking a few shots of wheatgrass juice first!
Loaded with chlorophyll and oxygen.