Sweet Cherry Tree Seedling

  No Shipments to California or Hawaii, Washington State, Oregon 



Embrace the gamble and embark on a historical journey with a seedling sweet cherry (Prunus avium)! Growing a cherry tree from seed might seem like a gamble, but the potential rewards are truly unique. Unlike established cultivars, a seedling cherry carries the unknown potential of its parents, offering a surprise flavor profile and characteristics. It's like unearthing a hidden gem from the rich tapestry of cherry history.

The practice of growing sweet cherries from seedlings has a long and fascinating history in Europe. Dating back to Roman times, people have relied on this method to cultivate new and exciting cherry varieties. Many beloved European cherry cultivars, like the cherished 'Bigarreau' and 'May Duke,' originated from chance seedlings. By planting a sweet cherry seed, you're not just nurturing a tree, you're connecting with a tradition that has shaped European orchards for centuries. Even if your seedling doesn't produce the biggest cherries, the journey of discovery and the potential for a unique, personal variety make it a worthwhile endeavor. So, plant that seedling, embrace the adventure, and see what delicious surprise history might have in store for you!


These Plants are 12-20 inches tall, may be pruned to fit into 26 inch mailing tube.