that is 3-8 inches tall
It’s not difficult to see why Carolina Yellow Jasmine was named South Carolina’s official state flower in 1924. The 1.5 inch, bright yellow blooms have a sweet, alluring scent similar to white jasmine varieties. This is a climbing vine, so out in nature it reaches its full height potential by climbing up trees for support. In a manicured yard, allow it to climb a fence, trellis, or arbor. Want to keep Yellow Jessamine compact for growing in your home or patio? Just grow in a pot and prune back to maintain your desired height. With its vining habit, it looks great planted in a hanging basket. Carolina Jasmine typically starts blooming in winter, which provides sunny yellow specks of hope for the end of the cool season.
Average mature height: 10 to 20 feet
Light: Full sun to part shade
Soil: Allow to dry out somewhat between waterings
Zone: 7-10