This talisman is enchanted with 100 very powerful djinn. The djinns are alive within this ancient talisman.

This is extremely ancient djinn magick offered here today!

This magickal talisman is so powerful that it will last a lifetime and beyond. 
It never needs to be recharged, and is always ready to use. It acts as an open portal to the world of the djinns and djinns do come and go through it.

These are top level djinns that bring tremendous wealth to their keepers.  They are loyal, positive and extremely kind.  They resonate with your energies to draw forth the desires of your heart.  They awaken your senses and strengthen your psychic gifts.  They are extremely rare and to own a portal to these spirits is extremely desirable.

You will be able to control the Djinss and through them their servitors and familiars, who will obey your every command. Together, the 100 djinns, their servitors and familiars fullfill all the wishes of the talisman new master or mistress.

The talisman draws forth the 100 powerful djinns, who will guard, watch and protect you as well as bless you with unlimited wishes and rare miracles.

Through their powers, you will emerge a new and transformed being with renewed hope and focus for your beautiful future.

The new master or mistress of this legendary talisman will gain…

Unlimited wishes

Incredible wealth

Business success

Incredible charisma


Limitless power

Incredible wisdom



Astral projection


Eternal protection

Long life

Imperviousness to magickal attacks

Incredible health

Slow aging


Financial stability

Control over time, weather, people and the universe

Power over good and evil

Extreme courage

Unlimited knowledge

Build, destroy, create and eliminate anything by your thoughts

Mega riches

Perfect life