This very powerful and one-of-a-kind ritual pack is from our elite collection!

It is bound to the Well of Souls, where hundreds and thousands of dead and undead beings live. Spirits of the decesead, vampires, death demons, banshees, reapers, liches and much more.

The ritual pack includes: a ring, that contains the spiritual essence and powers of a Lich God, who is the ruler of the Well of Souls, a channeling stone, herbs, incense, bones, sigil scroll, candles and all these in a wooden vessel.

The wooden vessel is enchanted to be an open vortex and spiritual portal. Wherever you place it, it will create a two-way gateway for the spirits to visit you and give you advice, guidance and fulfill your desires and for you to astral travel to the Well of Souls and channel the spiritual powers of the Well of Souls into your ritual place for you to use in your spells and rituals.

The ring is bound to Nhuchal, a Lich God and ruler of the Well of Souls. Just by holding it in your hands sends rays of energies into your body. It can be used to establish two-way communication with Nhuchal and his servitor spirits. When you put it on your finger, and say the included word of power, it will create an eternal unbreakable soul pact between you and Nhuchal and transfigure your mind, body and soul into a Lich. He will pull you out of your body and into the Well of Souls and Nhuchal and his servitor spirits will perform a special ritual there and channel their powers into you to empower you and make you an immortal Lich. You will become his Disciple and he will teach you magic to become strong and powerful.

The user of this ritual pack will obtain...

Godlike Powers

Extreme Wealth And Abundance

Power Over Others

Eternal Life And Immortality

Eternal Youth

Reverse Aging

Supernatural Beauty And Charisma

Drain The Life Of Another To Replenish Yourself

Astral Projection

Trap And Bind Souls

Speak With Dead And Undead Beings

Open Third Eye

See And Hear Spiritual Entities

Ancient Knowledge

Increased Psychic Powers

Supernatural Intelligence

Mind Reading

Dark Powers

And much more...


Do you feel a connection to the Well of Souls and Nhuchal? Do you wish to become his Disciple and an Immortal Lich?