Lapis Lazuli
Astrological Sign: Sagittarius & Pisces

   Lapis lazuli color is a deep blue. Lapis is a combination of Minerals, primarily lazurite and calcite; pyrite. The Afghanistan lapis has been likened to the night sky bedecked with stars. It promotes the connection between the physical plane and the Celestial Kingdom It represents the forces of initiation into wisdom and the mystical realm. It is a stone said to have existed since before "time was born", assisting one in gaining admission to the domain of the unknown mysteries of the sacred texts and the esoteric ideas and enhancing the wisdom to understand the information. If further allows one to gain access to, and to explore, the esoteric planetary knowledge. Lapis provides for the activation and energizing of the throat and brow chakras. The crystalline structure further clears these chakras and provides for unification of all the chakras for the purpose of maintaining the "perfection" within the person. It helps to stimulate emotional, mental, and physical purity and clarity, supporting one's courage in activities culminating in the advancement toward universal wisdom. It can assist in the organization of one's life and in the routine day-to-day activities in which one is involved. It helps one to overcome depression and enhances the states of serenity and self-acceptance. It is said to bring cheer to the user and to bring success in relationships. It is said to have been one of the stones used in the breastplate of the high priest.

Size: 41 x 30 x 13 mm + -
         1 5/8 x 1 1/4 x 5/8 inches + -

Chakra: 6th Third-Eye, 5th Throat
Ray: 4th Harmony through Conflict, 5th Concrete Science, 6th Idealism/Devotion, 2nd Love-Wisdom  Planet: Jupiter                                                                                                                                      Element: Wind
Vibrates to the number: 3