Lime Streaks Mizuna Mustard Seeds. Heirloom, Non-GMO. Herb & Vegetable Seeds. A beautiful Asian mustard green that matures at 45 days. Fully grown, the leaves are serrated and bright green.

Lime Streaks Mizuna mustard is easy to grow from seeds, and is low maintenance Flavor is tangy and they make a great addition to salads, stir-frys and garnishes.

Mustard Seeds, Mizuna Lime Streaks
Brassica rapa var japonica
Open Pollinated
High Germination Rate
Seeds For: Microgreens, Herb & Vegetable Gardening
USDA Hardiness Zone: Annual Crop, Not Intended To Overwinter
Days to full Maturity: 45
Mountain Valley Seed Company Brand
Premium Quality Seeds