FAQ For Blessings:

Over the years, we have received some questions and concerns regarding Blessings, concerning what Blessings are, how they manifest, and various other topics closely related to these matters. In this FAQ, we wish to provide our clients clarity, guidance, and insight into this topic. This FAQ will cover some potential issues clients may encounter when working with our Blessings. We hope to alleviate some unreasonable expectations, as well as guidance for when it is and isn't ideal to look to a Blessing versus a full-blown spell.


Please note this FAQ may be updated from time to time.


Q: I purchased a blessing from you, but have not seen any noteworthy results during the 30 day window OR I wish to purchase a blessing, but I am not sure if this is the right kind of approach for me. 
A: We have received high amounts of positive feedback from our blessings, though the results seen are always moderate, which is in accordance with how we designed them. Please be aware of this. It is, in case of a lack of results from a previously purchased blessing, regretable that you did not have the desired outcome. Perhaps the obstacle you were dealing with was too great for a simple temporary blessing to overcome. Please do keep in mind we provide our efforts in accordance with the price we charge. This means that a blessing, in your case, may not have been of sufficient intensity in relation to what you needed to overcome whatever energy or obstacle is stacked against you. This does not mean that you are necessarily dealing with energetic- or spiritual adversity in the sense of a curse or malicious spirit or group of spirits (though it does not exclude this possibility either), but can simply mean that you find yourself in a situation where you are competing with too much at the same time for something with the magnitude of a blessing to be able to overcome it. In other words, energetically, the deck is stacked against you too much for you to benefit from the blessing. For example, if you are an individual who is on the lower end in terms of how much income you have, it is likely harder for you to climb the financial ladder than for someone who already has somewhat of a means to generate more money. Money generates money. This fact, and the fact that magick needs a vehicle to work through, means that you will have to put in extra effort, both energetically and physically, to get out of this situation. A 30-day blessing will likely not do the trick. The same applies to other types of blessings; if you have internal traumas regarding sexual activity for whatever reason, for example, a blessing that enhances your libido may not be what you are truly needing.


Q: Are there blessings which will be effective in the majority of cases, without being at least somewhat dependant on external factors?
A: Good question. Yes, we find that our Concentration blessings and other blessings that address the internal workings of our clients exclusively will not usually meet such resistance in most cases. However, it should be noted that, even here, things such as mental conditions may play a role. If you are someone who is naturally unfocused, or you have ADHD for example, you may find the blessing still might have some difficulty in working at optimal capacity. 


Q: So when should I choose a Blessing over a full-blown Spell?
A: Our spells are designed to be long-term, or in some cases even permanent, enhancements to your energies and life. A blessing works for 30 days. We program them to fade away after this timeframe. If you need something done fast, but either can't afford a Spell or suspect a Blessing will give you that moderate, temporary boost you need, a Blessing is for you. We have had some people who have seen quick, lasting results from our Blessings, and in this case, for them, it was the push they needed to get where they wanted to be. In some cases, a Blessing will not do the trick, even though you suspected it may have been enough. Whatever the case, we recommend you contact us, and allow us to help you.