General FAQ for Spells

Please note this FAQ may be updated from time to time.

This FAQ will endeavor to answer the most common questions we have received that are applicable for all spells, both beneficial and baneful, both Custom and Pre-Made. If you wish to have a question answered regarding to, for example, love spells specifically, please consult the applicable FAQ. If you do not see your answer in either this FAQ or the FAQs dedicated to specific kinds of spells, feel free to contact us with your question(s)!

Part I:
General FAQ:

Q: What is the difference between a Pre-made and a Custom Spell?
A: Excellent question. A Pre-made spell is a spell that, for all intents and purposes, is a spell that was pre-designed, and then applied to your person, target, or situation. It is not quite custom-tailored to you, the individual, or your circumstances. This means that, while effective, you are not going to see the optimal results you would see with a Custom Spell. They are basically meant to be affordable alternatives to our Ceremonial- and Custom Rituals, which are highly tailored to your personal preferences and situation, as well as the goals you wish to achieve. It should be noted that, for those interested in purchasing higher-grade spells, our Standard Custom Spell listing is equivalent in strength and size to a standard Pre-made Spell, with the added benefit of being able to customize your parameters of what you want the spell to achieve.

Q: How long will it take for the spell to manifest results?
A: This is the number one question we receive when it comes to spell work. This is a multi-faceted question, so read this answer through carefully. First and foremost, this depends on how easy it is for you to reach your goal with the spells we will be conducting on your behalf. More difficult situations generally require more powerful spells. This means that you will pay more for more work on our part. There is an absolute difference between our standard $49.99 Pre-made spells, which are affordable, but that are not custom-tailored to your situation beyond superficial parameters such as who and what it should target, and Custom spells that we design specifically for your situation and person. To build further on this, higher-intensity spells, such as Ceremonial work where we create contracts on your behalf with deities or other powerful spirits, and the higher-grade Custom Spells we offer, are going to simply pack more punch due to us spending more time, resources, energy, repeat rituals, etc. on the matter you wish addressed. 
Again though, it is important to note that the harder your goal is to reach and the further outside of the realm of regular possibility such a target lies, the longer it will take on your end to see results. Furthermore, the swiftness with which a spell manifests depends on the amount of resistance the spell meets. To use financial gain as an example, if you aspire to make significantly more than you do now, you first need to analyze what your options are. Are you someone who has a lower income, without a degree, for example? This will make it harder for you to get into jobs that require such degrees and that likely pay more. No amount of magick is going to reasonably get you hired if you lack the prerequisites to even be considered by the company in question. However, you can find alternative routes to increasing your income, attaining a degree, etc., with the help of spellwork. One of these could be starting your own business, and working magick to increase your business' success. Regardless, even with magick, it will take time and effort on your part to get such things off the ground. So in short, the time you have to wait for the spell to manifest depends on a) yourself, b) your circumstances, c) the magnitude of the goal, d) how far removed from your goal you currently are, and e) how much external and internal resistance there is. Please consult us, and we will endeavor to help you out as best and as thoroughly as possible.

Q: Why do I have to put in work? Isn't magick, well, magickal?
A: Yes, magick is absolutely magickal, and often you will be surprised by the results. We have seen some grand feats occur from spellwork, both for clients and for ourselves. However, magick is not the same thing as a miracle. Magick is subtle energy manipulation, which means that spells work behind the scenes to manipulate situations to fit your narrative and desires. It doesn't just, "magically" dump a huge lump of gold in your lap in the case of a finance spell, nor will you meet the love of your life if you are not putting in the work and effort to actually go out an meet someone suitable; if you just remain sitting at home, for example, you will minimize or outright remove your chances of meeting someone. You could, however, even in these cases, join a dating site, of course, but even then the point still stands; you need to give magick a vehicle to work with and through for you to attain your goals, and those goals must be reasonable. If you wish to maximize a spell's efficiency, you must also put in the work towards your chosen objective.

Q: How do I know what grade/magnitude of spell to purchase?
A: This is an excellent question. As mentioned, different people face different challenges, for different reasons. We highly recommend that you talk to us, and provide us the details as to your circumstances, options, wishes and desires, and what you already have going for you in attaining your wishes. Part of the reason we feel comfortable with the price ranges we offer is that we provide our clients thorough consultations, feedback, and back-and-forth communications. We are eager to both answer your questions, and are not averse to asking the questions that need to be asked of you in order to get the job done. A general rule of thumb, however, is that the bigger the obstacle and/or the bigger the dream, the bigger the spell required. However, again, please do consult us as to what you wish to have done, and to check with us if we can actually do for you what you wish.


Q: I often hear people discuss manifestion and belief when it comes to magick. What's up with that? 
A: Yes, you are correct. Our magick is powerful, but it is quite possible that you, the requester of the magick, can hamper the effectiveness of a spell by doubting it's efficieny, and/or work against the magick by a) not doing what you need in order to allow the magick to work to it's fullest capacity, and/or b) having an excessively negative mindset that will manifest anything you undertake to fail or be blocked, and thus subconsciously will further hinder the spell. Energy needs to flow freely through you and around you in order to attract to you what you want. You must *know* it will happen. We have the know-how to cast the magick, but you are ultimately the recipient or at least the requester, and the vocal point of the magick. If you can not put yourself in such a mindset regarding your goal, we highly and strongly recommend that you consult us first for internal magickal workings that will allow you to develop yourself internally and that will allow you to remove these internal blockages that might hinder magick aimed at the external. You are, ultimately, the creator of your own reality, and you, therefore, have the responsibility of allowing the magick to work for you. Please contact us regarding any doubts, worries, fears, etc., and we will assist you with our Self-Development spells and rituals to remove said blockages. 


Part II:
FAQ for Custom Spells:

Q: What can and can't you do for me with these Custom Spells?
A: That is a very, very broad topic to cover in an FAQ and we strongly recommend you contact us directly to see what can be done after discussing your situation and what you want out of it. Please contact us if are interest in having work performed.

Q: Can you physically alter my body?
A: No. We can not cause direct physical alterations to your body for you. If you are overweight, for example, and you wish to lose weight, we can not "magickally" melt your pounds or kilos off. What we *can* do is perform a spell on you that will make *you* more motivated to improve your habits regarding exercise, diet, etc. We can help you, in short, be motivated to bring about these changes yourself by making you more confident in yourself, making you want to hit the gym, making you want to improve your diet, etc. But if you wish to have longer limbs, grow wings, change the color of your eyes, etc., this is, we are afraid, not possible. 

Q: Can you give me powers of flight, telekinesis, to bring the dead back to live in their physical bodies, shoot fireballs or forked lightning from my fingertips, etc.?
A: For the most part, no. This is not possible, with the potential exception of Telekenesis, but more on that later. Magick is subtle energy manipulation, and is not like one sees in many fictional works. It can subtly work for you, behind the scenes, maneuvering things into position for you as you will them to be, but it will rarely work so overtly or in such reality-bending methods as described here. It should be noted that, while we have never seen evidence of telekinesis ourselves in our magickal careers, we suspect this is attainable. After all, spirits move objects without a physical body on occasion, which we have experienced repeatedly, so it is not that far-fetched to believe an incarnated individual could do this; we are after all spirits inhabiting bodies. We are, in this particular case concerning telekinesis, simply not confident we can assist you, since we have not experienced it ourselves and do not wish that you hold out hope for something which may or may not be attainable.