Add a tracking number retroactively?

Hi everyone, I made a sale on 5/21, and it actually got mailed out the same day but I forgot to mark it as shipped. I marked it as shipped on the 23rd, which is actually the day it got delivered, but now my Average Handling Speed says medium. I never added the tracking number. If I add it now, will it automatically update to show my handling speed as quick, since it went out the same day as the sale? Thanks!

asked about 10 years ago

5 Answers

Explain the situation to the Bonanza support team and they will change your average handling speed for you.

[URL removed]

answered about 10 years ago

The tracking info will not change the handling time. I am not sure if you can add a tracking number after the fact, I had a transaction that I tried to add the number, but the option was not there. I know you can edit one, if you originally put one in.

answered about 10 years ago

Reputation: 1291
See A2z4u2c's booth

Ok, I’ll do that, thanks!

answered about 10 years ago

how can I add tracking number for this Transaction [URL removed] [phone number removed]

answered almost 10 years ago

If they paid by PayPal, you can go to the transaction and add it there. PayPal wi;l send your buyer an e-mail with the tracking number

answered about 6 years ago

Reputation: 16
See MrOiler's booth
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Viewed: 3084 times

Asked: about 10 years ago

Latest response: about 6 years ago

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