How many times have you heard…?

“I never heard of Bonanza.” “Oh, I forgot about Bonanza.”

With every sale I have on ebay (13 in the last week) I send a “Thank you” email from PayPal that includes a link to my booth. Plus a coupon in the package when I ship.

It has resulted in a few sales, but obviously it is hard to teach an old dog a new trick.

And just today…again…I tell a buyer who asked if I would consider a lower price that I have it listed here for less and I get, “I never heard of Bonanza”.

When or where does Bonanza advertise…if ever?

asked almost 9 years ago

Reputation: 185
See whimseys' booth

1 Comment

whimseys says: June 10, 2015

Update. Finally, two buyers visited my booth and purchased! One buyer bought 7 items. My advertising is starting to pay off—I hope it continues.

3 Answers

As long as the buyer can find you on ebay or amazon, why bother to use a search engine for other options….

I have seen small ads on various websites…but again, people have to actually use a search engine to see the ad links along with the results…and an ad in a magazine…but as far as I know most don’t bother with magazines much lately anymore either…

answered almost 9 years ago

Reputation: 12648
See ccmom's booth

If Bonanza ever really wants to rival eBay they are going to have to start advertising. How about Facebook?

answered almost 9 years ago

1 Comment

ccmom says: June 08, 2015

I saw an ad a while back on one of those click bait things that are always on facebook..but only once

I too have run into this when I am asked by others for guidance on how to sell on Ebay and mention to explore Bonanza also. Like the original poster, I include a “Thank you” actual direct email with a direct link to my Bonanza stuff and also a reminder slip with the Paypal invoice to check out my booth here (and also look at the whole Bonanza site of other sellers) but that has really only resulted in ONE repeat buyer crossover here over a period of MANY YEARS. Perhaps I have helped others if they looked at ALL the Bonanza stuff from other peoples booths rather than just mine directly.

I have not done a coupon thing as I am not too sure exactly how that works here.

answered almost 9 years ago

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Viewed: 1960 times

Asked: almost 9 years ago

Latest response: almost 9 years ago

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