Is there a free site to make a movie?

I am looking for a free site where I can post photos of my work and create a small movie from those photos. I have seen some movies from other Bonanzle sellers where they have taken photos to create a movie. This would be so much easier than creating a movie from scratch. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks everyone. Brad

asked almost 14 years ago

16 Answers

I use Windows Media – without all the distracting ‘stuff’ around it
and also OneTrueMedia.

1) [URL removed]

2) [URL removed]

3) Celebrating XMas in July #6:
[URL removed]

answered almost 14 years ago

some here use Onetruemedia dot com

and I think the other one is animoto.

answered almost 14 years ago

There are many videos created by so many Bonanzler’s

Want some ideas check out these forums

[URL removed]

[URL removed]

If you have any questions post in the forums lots of people here to help

answered almost 14 years ago

There is also a program on the computer called Windows Movie Maker. It comes on the computer. You could do a search for that.

answered almost 14 years ago

Great question Brad because (like Maven suggested) I too am going to look into> Onetruemedia dot com….later in the fall season next.
Thanks for raising an excellent inquiry sir.

answered almost 14 years ago

Reputation: 8354
See MONTROSE's booth

yep. I know that there are a couple of people that use Onetruemedia. If you check you tube for something like the Christmas In July on Bonanzle, you can see a couple of examples of it.

answered almost 14 years ago

Reputation: 68
See Rdesigns' booth

I used the Windows Movie Maker and found it so easy to use.

answered almost 14 years ago

You may want to talk with “Starshinin”. She’s made quite a few and they turned out great! Here ya [URL removed]
[URL removed]

answered almost 14 years ago

Reputation: 68
See kbarrd's booth

Go to It’s easy and you can add music. I just made one. [URL removed]

answered almost 14 years ago

A lot of people use You Tube Channel Pages as well, I hope that helps.
It’s free :)

answered almost 14 years ago

Thank you everyone. I will review all these and play around to see what I like best. Onetruemedia sounds like a good option! Brad

answered almost 14 years ago

Wow great info, thanx for asking that question Brad.

answered almost 14 years ago

EuropeanGoodies made awesome ones for our Christmas in July promo.

answered almost 14 years ago

answered almost 14 years ago

Haveyou tried JustinTv ?

answered almost 14 years ago

I Have come across various movie sites and movie apps that promise to provide free movies and tv shows including trending videos. You can also download beetv app from [URL removed] [URL removed] to learn about movies and watch them free.

answered about 5 years ago

Reputation: 12
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Viewed: 4415 times

Asked: almost 14 years ago

Latest response: about 5 years ago

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