Need help promoting for more sales?

[URL removed] Free Promotion Opportunity for All Booth Owners

The intent of this is to offer every Bonanza booth the opportunity to get more exposure in a collaborative, non-competitive way, and to promote Bonanza as a buyer and seller marketplace.

I have been selling here over a year and have experienced the frustration many sellers have with how to increase sales. Our world is different now. We are scattered all over the place, and we all have something good to offer. If we apply the concept of ‘small town competition’ or ‘cliques’ to a venue nowadays, it defeats the whole purpose.

In order to promote an atmospheric change, in the spirit of the season, I have designed and set up a Pinterest board for Bonanza’s Black Friday – Cyber Monday sales. Another sale-specific board will be added a week prior to each holiday that you can also pin to. So it will be a continuous opportunity with little effort. If anyone is interested in using any of the design/artwork in your booth for that specific event, please request permission through bmail.

To get started, all you have to do is click on this link and follow the board
[URL removed]

(In order to pin anything on pinterest, you have to sign up for an account – it’s free and easy)

You will be sent an invitation to post your own items. Accept the invitation, and you are ready to post.

To [URL removed]
In your booth, click on the item you wish to post. Below the Add to Cart button, you will see a button marked SHARE. Click on it and a drop down will appear. Click on the Pinterest button and *add it to the board.

*Before you add a post to the board, you can add a more text and be more descriptive. This is the place to add things the buyers might want to know like Free Shipping, % off with coupon code, free items, etc.

The only stipulation, to be fair to everyone, is that you post no more than 5 items per day, and that you post only your own items. If someone else is having difficulty, help them through it or direct them to me.

If you can, help promote the booth through the social media outlets you have available, i.e. Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, Email. Remember, this is a collaborative effort so everyone can reap the benefits both now and long-term.

To promote this opportunity on Bonanza, copy and paste this in its entirety in a new thread under promotions and/or vote for it in community forum.

asked over 8 years ago

1 Answer

[URL removed]

[ To [URL removed]

From Your [URL removed]
“There are two boards set [URL removed]
1) one for participating booths (anyone who signs up on this thread)…
2) one for any bonanza store/booth…”

Dear Kathy, in Your official Bmail You’ve asked me to wait until You get T.’s OK:

“I bmailed Tammie about when the forum link would be put up, so I’ll wait to hear from her.”

So, I understand that You wanted to follow some plan Tammie might have and I agree to wait and see, how it will work.
And from my side I’ve answered to [URL removed]

“Since I’ve never participated in this kind of promotion, I will just wait to see, how You wish to do it, before I add something to Your board, I always care about other people rules on their boards.

As far as I’m concerned, You can start right now to add Your pins to my board and hopefully other members will follow You, because this view with empty boards, without offer pins is really bad for the Bonanza [URL removed]"

My English is not perfect, but I think I’ve been perfectly clear that all B. members can pin to open boards!
To honour Tammie’s and Your effort and because of taking part in this promotional thread, I’ve also added link to this topic and ask people, who join my board to add their shop link here in this thread as well (after all it’s an extra link leading to B. site).

In this situation, my kind request to You is to remove this unacceptable sentence from Your post [URL removed] “one for participating booths (anyone who signs up on this thread)”, as it is not a team fair play.

All Bonanza members can add items to the OPEN Board:
[URL removed]

Best regards. ]

![URL removed]

answered over 8 years ago


KathysCreations says: November 23, 2015

@ArtistsUnion -This was added to indicate to sellers that they could still pin to the board even if they couldn’t meet the other criteria, not to offend anyone. I will clarify it in the thread.

KathysCreations says: November 23, 2015

Just to be clear, team fair play does not jump the gun when someone else has already agreed to take the responsibility. Nevertheless, the more the merrier!

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