Where can i find the value of a "punkin" doll like this? help wanted!

This one stands 22" high and the markings are as [URL removed] “PUNKIN Reproduction of a DeHetre Original 1987or1967?, 1990 Annabelle Crews” Any help on finding information and price range would be great! I realize it is a reproduction, but it looks very detailed and well made with what I am assuming is maybe the artists name, “Annabelle Crews” ?? Thanks in advance for any help! Dan
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asked over 13 years ago

Reputation: 199
See Alacrity's booth
4 Answers

Terri DeHetre, doll artist, founded the company Legacy Dolls which provided life-like baby dolls and other select dolls. Terri has won many awards for her creations, amoung them the prestigious “Doll of the Year” award by Doll Reader magazine for her doll “Punkin.” The company also offers doll molds/kits of Terri’s popular dolls for people to create themselves. Your doll is one of the kits created in 1987 sold by Legacy Dolls. The repro artist would be the signed name on the doll of Annabelle Crews and the date she completed the doll (1990). It is common to sign the dolls this way when reproduced in a doll making class. The best way to find a price range for her would be to use your favorite search engine using key words like Punkin. Here is a great link to the Legacy site that provides a lot more information regarding the artist and her dolls. Terri’s dolls and some of the Fayza Spanos dolls have the similar larger than life features that some collectors are very attracted to. Good luck!

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answered over 13 years ago

Reputation: 972
See debdoll's booth

One was listed on that other site – didn’t sell [URL removed]

Didn’t read too close but some info [URL removed] [URL removed]

Also [URL removed] [URL removed]

answered over 13 years ago

Wow!! … super information — mystery solved!

Thanks a million,

(that means I send both of you half a million thanks for your time and help). Anything more to add to this doll topic is surely welcome as well.


answered over 13 years ago

Reputation: 199
See Alacrity's booth

so cute

answered over 13 years ago

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